Mindful Awareness Practices are the signature evidenced-based educational programs of the Mindful Awareness Research Center. The Mindful Awareness Research Center is a partner of the Norman Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology within the Jane and Terry Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at UCLA. MARC’s mission is to foster mindful awareness across the lifespan through education and research to promote well-being and a more compassionate society.
These six-week class series are open to the public and to all UCLA staff, faculty, and students. The classes lay the foundation for students to understand basic principles of mindfulness, develop a personal meditation practice, and to apply the principles in their daily life on an ongoing basis.
Each class is a combination of lecture, practice, and group feedback and discussion. MAPs is taught in a context of a supportive community environment with classes no larger than 30-40 students. Students report that the group support was one of the most helpful and inspiring aspects of the class. MAPs instructors have years of personal experience practicing mindfulness and teaching it nationally and internationally.
This course is an excellent introduction to mindfulness for beginners. MAPs class lays the foundation for a daily meditation practice and provides insight into the basics of mindfulness and how it can be applied to daily life. It is also appropriate for an experienced practitioner who wishes to revitalize his/her practice. MAPs is helpful for people of all backgrounds and religions. These classes are suitable for ages 16 and over.
MAPS are an excellent introduction to mindfulness for clinicians, who are welcome to take it for credit. There is cost for the CEs. Please contact at Psychologists: Continuing Education Credit for this program is provided by UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness. The UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness maintains responsibility for this program and its content. This course offers 10 hours of credit. California licensed MFTs, LPCCs, LEPs, LCSWs: Continuing Education Credit for this program is provided by UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness. The UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists 10 contact hours may be applied to your license renewal. Nurses: UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP16351, for 12 contact hours. For those licensed outside California, please check with your local licensing board to determine if CE credit is accepted
Refunds requested prior to two weeks before the first day of class will be assessed a $25 administrative fee. We regret that we cannot give refunds after this date. Refunds should be requested by email to MARC reserves the right to cancel classes due to low enrollment. Registrants will be notified in advance of the class. No refunds or credits are given to registrant "no-shows". Postponing a Class: Credit towards a future class will be provided if a registrant notifies us by phone or email in advance of 5PM on Friday of the first week of the class series. Future class must the one immediately following the missed class series. NO EXCEPTIONS. (for example: if postponing a May/June class series you will have to use your credit and enroll in the July/August class series)
For optimal experience, we encourage you to access the course with a Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browser on a desktop/laptop with secure internet connection. Classes are held through Zoom. High Speed Internet access including camera and microphone is recommended. Zoom application can be downloaded through